Lighting Fundamentals Course 2022
From 23/12/2022 To 23/12/2022

This Course will provide you with basic information about lighting concepts , how to control your lighting well.
The essential techniques photographers need to know to start working with studio Lighting.
This Course introduce two types of artificial lighting (Speedlights and studio strobe).
15 Hours ( 5 Lectures )
- Introduction about Lighting
- Types of Lighting
- Lighting Directions
- Artificial Lighting
- Continuous light and instantaneous light.
- Difference Between Strobes - Speedlight
- Using and controlling Flash & triggers.
- Lighting control Elements.
- Light Modifiers
- F-Stops
- Practical application using speed lights indoor .
- using color gels.
- Popular Setups
- Practical application using speedlights outdoor.
- Full body Lighting.
- Portraits Lighting.
- Using High speed sync.
- Practical application using Studio.
- High key, Low key shooting.
2500 L.E.
Ezz Eldin
A professional wedding & Portraits Photography. Photography & Lighting instructor at Cairo photography school.